Sainsbury controls a chain of one thousand supermarkets located in England, Scotland and Wales.

It is a reality these sites are very energy-consuming as they require a large amount of heat and electricity for heating, lighting and to power refrigerators, day and night.

To reduce costs but also in line with new regulations that invite the owners to share in renewable energy incentives by converting to biomass

SAINBURY'S currently have 70 Boilers in all

The boilers provided to Sainsbury were boiler plants ranging from energy outputs

 of 350 to 700 KW that allow's them to reduce their energy consumption costs significantly.

These systems are designed for new supermarkets, and replacement of existing boilers


• Economic savings: depreciation of plant is guaranteed in 5-6 years,

thanks to strong savings in fuel. Following the savings is a strong

cost cutting.

• Environment: biomass boilers ensure a zero balance in CO2

emissions and a significant reduction of particulate matter.

• Maintenance: There is a minimum need of maintenance,

the system is 24 hours of telematic service from

Uniconfort, with the addition of support from a

representative on the spot, charged to act in a timely and

efficient manner if needed.